Share Price: Ksh 2.98
Tanzania (Saba Saba) Trade Fair There are no images The Trade fair (commonly known as Saba saba) is an annual event where companies from across the globe show case their products and services to the Tanzanian people.
Zinduka Campaign Launch Pictures: 11 EAC Zinduka Campaign Launch
Investor Briefing 2012 Pictures: 15
EAC Supports TWF Pictures: 8 East African Cables recently donated towards the The Wildlife Foundation (TWF), community Conservation fund.
Fundi Campaign Pictures: 17 EAC Countrywide Fundi Campaign & Accreditation
Investor Briefing 2011 Pictures: 21 East African Cables Investor Briefing 9th February 2011 at Fairmount Norfolk Nairobi
Kenya Homes Expo Pictures: 4 East African Cables participated in the 13th Kenya Homes Expo at KICC: 13th-17th April 2011
Mombasa Home Expo Pictures: 5 East African Cables participated in the 5th Mombasa Homes Expo at Sarova Whitesands: 22nd-24th April 2011
Annual General Meeting 2011 Pictures: 9 East African Cables Annual General Meeting 2011 held at the Head Office on Addis Ababa Rd Nairobi on 28th April 2011
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